home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- var skipscreen_gmCompiler={
- // getUrlContents adapted from Greasemonkey Compiler
- // http://www.letitblog.com/code/python/greasemonkey.py.txt
- // used under GPL permission
- //
- // most everything else below based heavily off of Greasemonkey
- // http://greasemonkey.devjavu.com/
- // used under GPL permission
- urlIsIncluded: function(href) {
- return ( /http:\/\/.*depositfiles\.com\/files\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*depositfiles\.com\/([a-z]{2})\/files\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*depositfiles\.com\/auth-.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.divshare\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- // || /http:\/\/www\.filestube\.com\/.*?\/details\.html/.test(href)
- // || /http:\/\/www\.filestube\.com\/[a-z0-9]{20}.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/hotfile\.com\/dl\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.hotfile\.com\/dl\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*limelinx\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- // linkbucks-family is broken-out, below
- || /http:\/\/link-protector\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/([a-zA-Z0-9]){6}\.link-protector\.com\//.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*mediafire\.com\/\?.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*mediafire\.com\/download\.php\?.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*mediafire\.com\/file\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*megashare\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*megashares\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*megaupload\.com\/\?.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*megaporn\.com\/\?.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*rapidshare\.com\/files\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*rapidshare\.de\/files\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.sendspace\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/sharebee\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*zshare\.net\/download\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*zshare\.net\/audio\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/digg\.com\/(.{5}|.{6})$/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.digg\.com\/(.{5}|.{6})$/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/uploaded\.to\/file\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/uploaded\.to\/\?view/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.storage\.to\/get\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.4shared\.com\/file\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.4shared\.com\/get\/.*/.test(href)
- // removed for 0.3.200911xx release
- // || /http:\/\/netload.in\/(index.php\?id=10|date).*/.test(href)
- // the following are all for the linkbucks family
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.linkbucks\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.baberepublic\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.blahetc\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.linkgalleries\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.linkseer\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.picturesetc\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.placepictures\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.qvvo\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.realfiles\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.seriousfiles\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.thatsprime\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.thesefiles\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.thesegalleries\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.thosegalleries\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.tinybucks\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.uberpicz\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.ubervidz\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.ubucks\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.ugalleries\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.urlpulse\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.viraldatabase\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.youfap\.com\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/(([0-9a-z]+)|(www))\.zxxo\.net\/(link\/[0-9]+)?/.test(href)
- ) ;
- },
- urlIsExcluded: function(href) {
- return ! ( /http:\/\/ad\.yieldmanager\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/transition\.adtrgt\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/.*adbrite\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- || /http:\/\/www\.addthis\.com\/.*/.test(href)
- );
- },
- urlIsAllowed: function(href) {
- return skipscreen_gmCompiler.urlIsIncluded(href)
- && skipscreen_gmCompiler.urlIsExcluded(href);
- },
- getUrlContents: function(aUrl){
- var ioService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- var scriptableStream = Components
- .classes["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
- var unicodeConverter = Components
- .classes["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter);
- unicodeConverter.charset="UTF-8";
- try {
- var channel = ioService.newChannel(aUrl, null, null);
- var input = channel.open();
- scriptableStream.init(input);
- var str = scriptableStream.read(input.available());
- scriptableStream.close();
- input.close();
- } catch(e) {
- alert("SkipScreen compiler failed on attempt to include " + aUrl);
- }
- try {
- return unicodeConverter.ConvertToUnicode(str);
- } catch (e) {
- return str;
- }
- },
- isGreasemonkeyable: function(url) {
- var scheme = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService)
- .extractScheme(url);
- return (
- (scheme == "http" || scheme == "https" || scheme == "file") &&
- !/hiddenWindow\.html$/.test(url)
- );
- },
- contentLoad: function(e) {
- var unsafeWin = e.target.defaultView;
- if (unsafeWin.wrappedJSObject) unsafeWin = unsafeWin.wrappedJSObject;
- var unsafeLoc = new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeWin, "location").location;
- var href = new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeLoc, "href").href;
- if (skipscreen_gmCompiler.isGreasemonkeyable(href) && skipscreen_gmCompiler.urlIsAllowed(href)) {
- var script = skipscreen_gmCompiler.getUrlContents('chrome://SkipScreen/content/skipscreen.js');
- skipscreen_gmCompiler.injectScript(script, href, unsafeWin);
- }
- },
- injectScript: function(script, url, unsafeContentWin) {
- var sandbox, logger, xmlhttpRequester;
- var safeWin = new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeContentWin);
- sandbox = new Components.utils.Sandbox(safeWin);
- var storage = new skipscreen_ScriptStorage();
- xmlhttpRequester = new skipscreen_xmlhttpRequester(
- unsafeContentWin, window
- );
- sandbox.window = safeWin;
- sandbox.document = sandbox.window.document;
- sandbox.unsafeWindow = unsafeContentWin;
- // patch missing properties on xpcnw
- sandbox.XPathResult = Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult;
- // add the GM APIs
- sandbox.GM_addStyle = function(css) { skipscreen_gmCompiler.addStyle(sandbox.document, css); };
- sandbox.GM_setValue = skipscreen_gmCompiler.hitch(storage, "setValue");
- sandbox.GM_getValue = skipscreen_gmCompiler.hitch(storage, "getValue");
- sandbox.GM_openInTab = skipscreen_gmCompiler.hitch(this, "openInTab", unsafeContentWin);
- sandbox.GM_xmlhttpRequest = skipscreen_gmCompiler.hitch(xmlhttpRequester, "contentStartRequest");
- // TODO: the following is CURRENTLY unsupported, but would be nice to implement...
- sandbox.GM_log = function(){};
- // http://dev.iceburg.net/jquery/jqDnR/
- // Drag-n-Resize for jQuery
- var jDNR = skipscreen_gmCompiler.getUrlContents('chrome://SkipScreen/content/jqDnR.js');
- var jQuery = skipscreen_gmCompiler.getUrlContents('chrome://SkipScreen/content/jquery-1.3.2.min.js');
- var jq = "(function(){"+jQuery+"})()";
- var jd = "(function(){"+jDNR+"})()";
- // mega-upload file may be swapped based on build-type.....
- var mega = skipscreen_gmCompiler.getUrlContents('chrome://SkipScreen/content/megaupload.js');
- sandbox.__proto__ = sandbox.window;
- try {
- this.evalInSandbox(
- "(function(){"+ jQuery + jDNR + mega + script+"})()",
- url,
- sandbox);
- //sandbox.start(); // will this work? -- no!!!
- } catch (e) {
- var e2 = new Error(typeof e=="string" ? e : e.message);
- e2.fileName = script.filename;
- e2.lineNumber = 0;
- alert("SkipScreen " + e2);
- }
- },
- evalInSandbox: function(code, codebase, sandbox) {
- if (Components.utils && Components.utils.Sandbox) {
- // DP beta+
- Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, sandbox);
- } else if (Components.utils && Components.utils.evalInSandbox) {
- // DP alphas
- Components.utils.evalInSandbox(code, codebase, sandbox);
- } else if (Sandbox) {
- // 1.0.x
- evalInSandbox(code, sandbox, codebase);
- } else {
- throw new Error("Could not create sandbox.");
- }
- },
- openInTab: function(unsafeContentWin, url) {
- var tabBrowser = getBrowser(), browser, isMyWindow = false;
- for (var i = 0; browser = tabBrowser.browsers[i]; i++)
- if (browser.contentWindow == unsafeContentWin) {
- isMyWindow = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!isMyWindow) return;
- var loadInBackground, sendReferrer, referrer = null;
- loadInBackground = tabBrowser.mPrefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground");
- sendReferrer = tabBrowser.mPrefs.getIntPref("network.http.sendRefererHeader");
- if (sendReferrer) {
- var ios = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIIOService);
- referrer = ios.newURI(content.document.location.href, null, null);
- }
- tabBrowser.loadOneTab(url, referrer, null, null, loadInBackground);
- },
- hitch: function(obj, meth) {
- var unsafeTop = new XPCNativeWrapper(unsafeContentWin, "top").top;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.browserWindows.length; i++) {
- this.browserWindows[i].openInTab(unsafeTop, url);
- }
- },
- apiLeakCheck: function(allowedCaller) {
- var stack = Components.stack;
- var leaked = false;
- do {
- if (2==stack.language) {
- if ('chrome'!=stack.filename.substr(0, 6) &&
- allowedCaller!=stack.filename
- ) {
- leaked = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- stack = stack.caller;
- } while (stack);
- return leaked;
- },
- hitch: function(obj, meth) {
- if (!obj[meth]) {
- throw "method '" + meth + "' does not exist on object '" + obj + "'";
- }
- var hitchCaller = Components.stack.caller.filename;
- var staticArgs = Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 2, arguments.length);
- return function() {
- if (skipscreen_gmCompiler.apiLeakCheck(hitchCaller)) {
- return;
- }
- // make a copy of staticArgs (don't modify it because it gets reused for
- // every invocation).
- var args = staticArgs.concat();
- // add all the new arguments
- for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- args.push(arguments[i]);
- }
- // invoke the original function with the correct this obj and the combined
- // list of static and dynamic arguments.
- return obj[meth].apply(obj, args);
- };
- },
- addStyle: function(doc, css) {
- var head, style;
- head = doc.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
- if (!head) { return; }
- style = doc.createElement('style');
- style.type = 'text/css';
- style.innerHTML = css;
- head.appendChild(style);
- },
- onLoad: function() {
- var appcontent = window.document.getElementById("appcontent");
- if (appcontent && !appcontent.greased_skipscreen_gmCompiler) {
- appcontent.greased_skipscreen_gmCompiler = true;
- appcontent.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", skipscreen_gmCompiler.contentLoad, false);
- }
- },
- onUnLoad: function() {
- //remove now unnecessary listeners
- window.removeEventListener('load', skipscreen_gmCompiler.onLoad, false);
- window.removeEventListener('unload', skipscreen_gmCompiler.onUnLoad, false);
- window.document.getElementById("appcontent")
- .removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", skipscreen_gmCompiler.contentLoad, false);
- }
- }; //object skipscreen_gmCompiler
- function skipscreen_ScriptStorage() {
- this.prefMan = new skipscreen_PrefManager();
- }
- skipscreen_ScriptStorage.prototype.setValue = function(name, val) {
- this.prefMan.setValue(name, val);
- };
- skipscreen_ScriptStorage.prototype.getValue = function(name, defVal) {
- return this.prefMan.getValue(name, defVal);
- };
- window.addEventListener('load', skipscreen_gmCompiler.onLoad, false);
- window.addEventListener('unload', skipscreen_gmCompiler.onUnLoad, false);